Local Attractions

Spring in Namaqualand

The spring flowers of the Cape West Coast, Cederberg, and Namaqualand in the Northern Cape have a worldwide reputation.

This area of South Africa receives little rain throughout the year but after the winter rains from May to July/August, the normally dry landscape becomes a carpet of wild flowers with vibrant bands of gousblomme and vygies, as well as nemesias, lachenalias, babiana and ixias.

The wide variety of wild flowers is largely due to the varied topography – fertile valleys contrast with high mountains, the semi-desert plains of the north contrast with the unique Sandveld region near the coast with its wetter vlei areas. Certain species are found nowhere else in the world.

Okiep Copper Mining Company

Kimberley isn’t the only place with a big hole! Visit Okiep and Nababeep, former mining towns, with lots of hidden gems, including an old mining company museum.

Orbicule Hill

The orbicular diorite found in this hill, is a rare geological phenomenon, formed when magma that contains granite, cools in spherical shapes that contain concentric layers. Concordia is one of two places in South Africa that have this formation.

Augrabies Falls

The Khoi people called it "Aukoerebis", or place of Great Noise, as this powerful flow of water is unleashed from rocky surroundings characterized by the 18km abyss of the Orange River Gorge.

